How to Decide Which Drainage Solutions Will Work For You

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If excess water on your property is not draining correctly, it can be difficult to know which drainage solutions will actually resolve the problem. There are many different options to choose from that will help keep water from building up on your property and causing a variety of problems, like flooding, mold, and damage to the foundation of your home. In order to decide which of the following drainage solutions will work for you, it may be necessary to work with a professional property maintenance team.

environmentally friendly drainage solutions

  • French Drain– This method uses perforated pipes set in trenches in the ground and filled with gravel. As water seeps into the ground, these pipes and trenches help to direct the water away to public sewers instead of allowing it to build up in one area.
  • Dry Well- This option is similar to the french drain; however, this system diverts the water to an underground well. From this well, the collected water can be put back into the soil where needed. For those looking for potentially more environmentally friendly drainage solutions, using a dry well may be a great choice.

There are many other drainage solutions to consider if you are having drainage problems on your property, and if you are looking for professional assistance with drainage solutions, come see us at Husky Property Maintenance. We can help you determine whether a french drain, dry well, or other system will work best for your specific situation. Contact us today to learn more!